With the 4th of July, the U.S. independence day, just past I thought a reflection on independence might be in order. Independence is defined as freedom from the control, influence, support, aid or the like of others.
On the 4th, we celebrate our independence as a nation, but are we ever truly independent? The holiday was marred by mass shootings and natural disaster. Why? Is it because we can never be truly independent- that complete independence is a lonely place... one that is not possible or sustainable. To claim independence is to deny connections. Is our society lacking in meaningful connections?
I spent much of the week of the 4th with family and was reminded how important those connects are. When I connect with nature, I am renewed. It is connections that add value to life.
Many of us would like a little less control, but support and aid are essential. We all know the saying that with freedom comes responsibility. We might say that with independence comes connectedness. A degree of independence gives us choices... we must use them responsibly and make meaningful connections.
How does this relate to education? I would argue that the teacher's most important job is helping students develop critical thinking skills... enabling thoughtful connections and choices. Connections are essential to success in any field. Connections are essential for a good life.