The logo for Innovations in Education reflects our philosophy. The i.e. is more than just an abbreviation for Innovations in Education. According to Merriam Webster, the abbreviation I.e. is short for id est or that is and is used to restate or clarify something said previously. The image of a bonsai tree is also symbolic. I have a friend who is a bonsai master. Each morning, he sits with each bonsai, studying it carefully. He has a vision for it, based on the type of tree and its original form, but as he studies the tree each day, he revises the vision and makes small adjustments. Little by little the little tree becomes a unique work of art. Bonsais by the same master take many forms. They combine his vision with their own characteristics and needs. He does not create them as much as he empowers expression of their individual beauty. Education, like the bonsai, takes many forms. By studying and restating education theories and applying them to the individual needs of programs and learners we begin to innovate, to create something new and better based on a vision for the future. Educators shape the future. Like the bonsai master, educators need to observe and make adjustments. We need a vision and a structured approach that empowers learners to become leaders. Innovations in Education provides the tools needed to develop educational programs from vision to fruition.
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