I used a quote from Dr. Seuss for the title of this blog because I want it to be a challenge for me - one that I try to live by.
It's easy to watch the news and cry- especially when the news is so full of horrific things happening to children. They aren't at fault. They are simply at the mercy of bad decisions and bad situations not of their making.
It's easy to be overwhelmed to think there is nothing we can do, but that's an easy cop-out. Each one of us has a responsibility to make a difference- even a tiny difference- to make the world a little better. The children are the future. The quality of their lives will dictate the future of the planet.
So what can I do? What can YOU do? One person can't change the world, but one person- working with others- can make a difference. The difference we each make depends on our choices and our talents. There is no one answer and no one better to do the work. We have to care a whole awful lot and we have to put that care into motion.
I'm writing this because I trust that we do care and that we all want the future to be brighter for all children- and for the mothers and fathers who shape their futures.
Innovations in Education is a partnership. The two of us who head this organization have, between us, eleven children and eleven grand-children. We have worked with children in seven countries on four continents. Children continuously amaze us. Whether we find them in a pediatric clinic in Haiti, or living with a disability in Zambia; they inspire us and push us forward in our work. Our partnership is not just between the two of us. It takes a village and it takes a team.
Our newest venture is in a rural community in Kenya that has more children than adults- and a very high rate of under-age pregnancies. We have partners there who need our help- but more than that- they offer us an opportunity to step our of our comfort zone, to show we care, to stretch our own horizons and grow. I hope you will consider joining us. This is a community that is innovative and full of vision for a better future. I promise you will be inspired, you will learn - and that your horizons will expand .
I'll end with another quote fro Dr. Seuss (food for thought): “In the places I go there are things that I see that I never could spell if I stopped with the Z.”